Scientific Programme

Friday 28 May 1999

 Genetics and anaesthesia
Chairman: G Kenny (UK)

 State of the art of neuromuscular blockade
Chairman: F Servin (France)

 Intravenous anaesthesia, memory and awareness
Chairman: AR Aitkenhead (UK)

  • The neurobiology of consciousness
    HAC Kamphuisen (The Netherlands)
  • Psychological consequences of unconscious perception and awareness in anaesthesia
    B Bonke (The Netherlands)
  • Strategies to prevent awareness
    M Struys (Belgium)

Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of
intravenous sedation
Chairman: J Vuyk (The Netherlands)

  • Towards a consensus on sedation in the ICU?
    L Beydon (France)
  • TCI sedation in the ICU
    SM Groen-Mulder (The Netherlands)
  • Patient-controlled sedation during locoregional anaesthesia
    N Sutcliffe (UK)

Saturday 29 May 1999

 Controlling the effect site
Chairman: FHM Engbers (The Netherlands)

  • Targeting the effect site
    JG Bovill (The Netherlands)
  • Effect sites of intravenous anaesthetic agents
    K Morita (Japan)
  • Physiological modelling and the effect site
    M Weiss (Germany)

 Managed perioperative care
Chairman: J Raedernce)

  • Implications of serotonin in PONV
    A Borgeat (Switzerland)
  • Transdermal fentanyl for perioperative analgesia
    M Zenz (Germany)
  • Remifentanil and managed anaesthesia care
    JR Sneyd (UK)