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Closed-loop control of anaesthesia using the Bispectral Index |
A.R. Absalom, G.N.C. Kenny. |
University Department of Anaesthesia, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UK |
Different effects on postoperative nausea and vomiting of various antiemetic strategies |
I. Grigoropoulou, T. Zervou, N. Zafiris, T. Fountoulaki, S. Kontoyiannopoulou, K. Papilas, N. Palgimesi. | Piraeus General Hospital, Greece |
Propofol protects tyrosine against oxidation by peroxynitrite | A. Mouithys-Mickalad, P.Hans, S. Kohnen, G.Deby-Dupont, C. Deby1, M.Lamy |
Center of the Oxygen Research & Development,University of Liege Department of Anesthesia & IntensiveCareMedicine CHU, University Hospital, Liege, Belgium |
Bispectral index and serum drug levels during TCI of remifentanil and propofol for cholecystectomy | S.C. Høymork, B. Grimsmo, J. Ræder. |
Department. of Anaesthesia, Ullevaal University Hospital, N-0407, Oslo |
Target-controlled infusion (TCI) for fiberoptic intubation | E. Knolle | Dept.(B) of Anaesthesiology & General Intensive Care, University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Austria |
Increasing the blood target concentration of remifentanil does not improve the accuracy of closed loop propofol anaesthesia | S.E. Milne, G.N.C. Kenny. |
University Department of Anaesthesia, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UK |
Remifentanil infusion in combined general and epidural anaesthesia | K. Papilas, M. Mitselou, L. Papaspyrou, A. Bairaktari, M. Vafiadou | Sismanoglion Hospital, Athens, Greece |
Total intravenous anaesthesia with remifentanil and propofol for implantation of cardioverter defibrillators in patients with severely reduced left ventricular function | A. Lehmann, C. Zeitler, E. Thaler, C. Werling*, J. Boldt | Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, *Department of Cardiac Surgery, Klinikum der Stadt Ludwigshafen, Germany |
Efficacy of target controlled infusion of alfentanil for patient controlled postoperative analgesia | M.C.O. Van den Nieuwenhuyzen, F.H.M. Engbers, A.G. Burm, A.A. Vletter, J.W. van Kleef, R.H.W.M. van den Hoogen, J.G. Bovill | . Departments of Anesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Centre, Diaconessenhuis Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands |
Movement response to skin incision: analgesia vs. EEG parameters | H. Singh, T. Sakai, A. Matsuki. | Dept. of Anaesthesiology, University of Hirosaki School of Medicine, Japan |
Haemodynamic and endocrine responses to induction and intubation with propofol or propofol/sufentanil | W.A.Carvalho, P.T.G.Vianna, J.A. Menezes-Filho, C.A.C.Oliveira. |
Dpto. Anesthesiology, Medical School, UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. |
Target-controlled anaesthesia with propofol and remifentanil: loss of the eyelash reflex and evolution of the bispectral index at induction | A. Finianos, P. Hans, E. Coussaert, P.Y. Dewandre, J.F. Brichant, F. Cantraine, M. Lamy. |
. University Department of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine, CHR de la Citadelle, CHU Liege, 4000 Liege, Department of Computer Science, Free University of Brussels, 1070 Brussels, Belgium |
Description of pulmonary propofol kinetics and of the influence of propofol on flow distribution with a recirculatory model | J.A. Kuipers, F. Boer, W. Olieman, A.G.L. Burm, J.G.Bovill. |
. Department of Anaesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,The Netherlands |
Breathing pattern and blood gases during remifentanil infusion in patients with respiratory distress | G. Natalini, P.L. Farina, M. Taranto, A. Sabaini, M.E. Franceschetti and A. Bernardini. | Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency, Poliambulanza Hospital, Brescia, Italy |
Remifentanil does not affect the bispectral index nor the relationship between propofol and the bispectral index at induction of anaesthesia | A. Finianos, P. Hans, E. Coussaert, J.F. Brichant, P.Y. Dewandre, F. Cantraine, M. Lamy |
University Department of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine, CHR de la Citadelle, CHU Liege, 4000 Liege, Department of Computer Science, Free University of Brussels, 1070 Brussels, Belgium |
Haemodynamic effects of effect site targeted propofol TCI. comparison to Diprifusor® | L. Hollos, N. Moony. |
Dept. of Anaesthetics, Kettering General Hospital, Kettering, NN16 8UZ, UK |
The pharmacokinetic interaction between alfentanil and propofol in healthy male volunteers | M.J. Mertens, J. Vuyk, E. Olofsen, A.G.L. Burm, J.G. Bovill, | Department of Anaesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands |
The predictive performance of a remifentanil pharmacokinetic data set during Target Controlled infusion | M.J. Mertens, J. Vuyk, A.G.L. Burm, J.G. Bovill. | Dept of Anaesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands. |
Spontaneous ventilation with propofol and remifentanil infusions for transurethral procedures | K Papilas, M. Mitselou, L. Papaspyrou, A. Bairaktari, M. Kokolaki, E. Nazlidou, M. Vafiadou |
Sismanoglion Hospital, Athens, Greece |
Familiarising anaesthetists with a new drug using the Leiden Anaesthesia Simulator | E. Olofsen, V. Chopra, M.J. Geerts and J.G. Bovill. | Department of Anaesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands |
Delivery performance of commercial TCI devices with Diprifusor module | S Schraag, J Flaschar, M Georgieff. | Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Ulm, D-89070 Ulm, Germany |