Wednesday 26 January

Arrival and welcome dinner. Registration from 17:00- 18:00 hr

Thursday 27 January

8:30 Basic pharmacokinetics Frederique Servin,Paris
09:15  The Development of Computerised Drug Delivery Gavin Kenny , Glasgow        
17:00 -18:30 Introduction of the concept of TCI practical considerations Workshop 1

Friday 28 January

8:30 The use of Opioids in total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) Luc Barvais, Bruxelles
09:15  Drug interactions during TIVA Jaap Vuyk, Leiden

17:00 -18:30 Opioids in clinical practice and drug interactions Workshop 2

Saturday 29 January

8:30 Controlling the Effect Site Frank Engbers, Leiden
09:15  TCI for sedation and analgesia Nick Sutcliffe, Glasgow


17:00 -18:30

Practical Aspects of Sedation + effect site control


Demonstration of rugloop (simulation/data acquisition/TCI programme with close loop possibilities)

Workshop 3a


Workshop 3b


Sunday 30 January

8:30 Muscle Relaxants in Clinical Practice
09:15  Closed Loop Anaesthesia Gavin Kenny, Glasgow