Impressions of the first Eurosiva wintermeeting in Crans Montana

The first Eurosiva winter meeting in Crans Montana was successful in every respect. If we may believe the results of the evaluation forms than the lectures and workshops were highly appreciated. The skiing was excellent but the thing we could not influence  was the best: the weather condition.

The overall highest rating for lecturing was given to our chairman Gavin Kenny. No wonder, he was in his element: good wine, good food, good company and good skiing.

The ski race. Tying just one flag to his back is clearly not enough. We have ten Eurosiva flags, may be that will slow Alain Borgeat down, if not, then we just have to wax his skies with Emmentaler.

Of course there are always things to improve. Maybe the slide screen was a bit difficult to see from the back. Maybe the audio installation was not sufficient in the beginning, but the overall organization was clearly in hands of professionals. Registration, social programme, the ski race, you might think of a big team, well Alain and Catherine Borgeat with a little  help of their friends did the main job.
And the good news is that with a little luck the meeting will be repeated next year. So if you want to win a ski race, listen to state of the art lectures on intravenous anaesthesia, discuss intravenous anaesthesia with colleagues during the workshop, pick up some rumors on new  drugs and equipment on the sidepiste , then join us next year again in Crans Montana.
Material from the Crans Montana 2000 meeting is stored in the archive page