Scientific Program of the 5th Eurosiva meeting in Le Meridien, Nice 

Friday 5 April 2002

Click on the title to read the abstract

 PK/PD modelling and its application in clinical practice
Chairman: G Kenny 

  • Indirect response PD modelling. Is the ke0 the panacea?
    F. Mentré (Fr)

  • Chronobiology and PK/PD modelling in anaesthesia
    B. Lemmer

  • Target controlled infusion in children.
    X. Viviand (Fr)

Anaesthetic risk assessment and organ protection
Chairman: F. Engbers

 Monitoring “depth of anaesthesia”
Chairman: L. Barvais 

  • Does BIS monitoring optimize anaesthetic drug delivery?
    J. Vuyk (NL)

  • AEP: A clinical or a research tool?
    S. Schraag (Ger)

  • Three prize winning poster presentations 

    Response Surface Modeling of Propofol-Remifentanil Interaction on Respiratory Control
    DJF Nieuwenhuijs

    Patient Maintained Sedation for Colonoscopy using a Target controlled infusion of Propofol
    G Fletcher

    Effects of epidural anesthesia on the effect site concentrations of propofol in a target-controlled infusion technique
    Y Inagaki

What’s new in NMBA administration?
Chairman: F. Servin  


Saturday 6 April 2002

 Pain perception and control
Chairman: J. Raeder


Chairman: A. Borgeat

  • Neostigmine and α2-agonists as additives in neuraxial blockade
    A. Chiari,(Au)

  • Chirality and cardiotoxicity of anaesthetic agents
    BM Graf (Ger)

  • Fine-tuning intravenous drug administration
    The Eurosiva Multi-Media team