Friday 31 March 2000 (8.15-18.00 h) |
Current concepts on pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling Physiological pharmacokinetic modelling Response surface modelling of drug interaction Effect site modelling and its application in TCI |
Advanced delivery and monitoring techniques: an update The development and future of TCI Closed loop control of intravenous agents Intravenous anaesthesia and CNS monitoring |
Intravenous anaesthesia and old age (Patho)physiology of ageing and drug action Propofol pharmacokinetic/dynamic changes with age |
Current concepts of outpatient anaesthesia PK/PD for outpatient anaesthesia Sedation for locoregional anaesthesia Postoperative management of outpatient anaesthesia |
Saturday 1 April |
NMDA receptor and anaesthetic action NMDA receptors and general anaesthetic action NMDA receptors and µ-opioid receptor relationships |
State of the art in neuromuscular blockade Perioperative complications of NMB NMBA for fast tracking anaesthesia Anaphylaxis and NMBA |