Tivatrainer ©
Copyrights F.Engbers



The Tivatrainer is a pharmacokinetic Simulation programme That is specially developed for the workshops organised by the Eurosiva starting in Barcelona 1998.
Over the years many feature were added. Now version 8 is released. Please check the section 'what is new in version 8' to get an impression.

Click the download button at the top and follow instructions

The different commercial infusion pumps have at this moment different implementations of the Lean Body Mass(LBM) LBM is used in the Propofol Schnider model and the Remifentanil Minto model. The formula of the LBM causes at extremes of weight the LBM to decrease and even become negative. Check out this website for comming explanations and consequences. For the time being you may download an Excel spreadsheet with LBM calculations implemented. Please contact  for additional information