For some countries or institutions letters are required in order for a participant to visit our meeting or receive reimbursement for traveling expenses.
The Eurosiva is cooperative in providing letters that will state the intention of participation in our meeting.
Misuse of these letters by persons that have no intention to participate in the meeting is becoming an increasing problem.
The Eurosiva therefore decided to formalize the conditions that are required to obtain such a document.
If you have visited an Eurosiva meeting or workshop before then you can register and pay according to your preference. Please indicate in your request for documents the year, date and place of your previous visit.
If you did not visit the Eurosiva before but you are (co) author of a publication in a journal published in the English language then follow normal registration and pay according to your preference. In your request send the reference to this publication.
In all other cases payment must be done by cheque, international bank transfer or cash sent by mail. We will not send any requested document following credit card payment in these cases. We will send documents only when payment has arrived at the registration office.
You can send requests for letters of participation to