Posters submitted at the 9 th Eurosiva congress in Madrid 2-3 June 2006 | ||
Title (click on title to see the contents) |
Authors |
Affiliation |
*The Influence of the dose on the Time to Peak Effect of Propofol:Preliminary Results* |
Farid Garoud, Pierre-Yves Leuquueux, Gilbert Bejjani, Luc Barvais | Free University of Bruxelles, Bruxelles |
Target-Controlled Infusion of Remifentanil for Plastic Surgery | Dong Hee Kim, M.D | Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Dankook University, Cheon An, Korea |
Continuous Infusion of Remifentanil with Propofol Target-controlled Infusion | Dong Hee Kim, M.D. | Dept of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Dankook University, Cheon An, Korea |
Performance of plasma vs. effect-site TCI for propofol in elderly patients | Wagner , Petscher and Schraag | Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Ulm Medical School, Germany Department of Perioperative Medicine, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank, Scotland |
Does perioperative low-dose S(+)-Ketamine work pre-emptive to reduce postoperative morphine requirements after major surgery ? | Elbe , Steffen , Rockemann and Schraag | Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Ulm Medical School, Germany Department of Perioperative Medicine, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank, Scotland |
Pharmacokinetic Analysis for Epidural Ropivacaine Induced Cardiac Arrest | Tomoko Takeda, M.D., Kenichi Masui, M.D., Ryuji Yonamine, M.D., Isao Fukuda, M.D., Takehiko Ikeda, M.D. and Tomiei Kazama, M.D.. | Department of Anesthesiology, National Defense Medical College, Tokorozawa, Saitama, Japan. |
Estimation of propofol plasma-effect site equilibration rate constant (keO) with the cerebral state index. | Pablo Sepulveda MD†, Luis I. Cortínez MD*, Gastón Núñez MD†, Alejandro Recart MD† | †Clinica Alemana-Universidad del Desarrollo, *Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile |
Estimation of the plasma-effect site equilibration rate constant (keO) of propofol by two methods | Pablo Sepulveda MD†, Luis I. Cortínez MD*, Gastón Núñez MD†, Alejandro Recart MD† | †Clinica Alemana-Universidad del Desarrollo, *Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile |
Comparison of the CSM and BIS Monitors in Healthy Volunteers during Propofol Induction | L. Castilla, MD**; Dra. Tania Troncos M**; G. Núñez, MD, PhD*; A. Recart, MD*; P. Sepúlveda. MD* | *Clínica Alemana -Universidad del Desarrollo Santiago de Chile ** Hospital Nac. Arzobispo Loaiza Lima, Perú. |
Predictive performance of the Domino model during low-dose ketamine infusions in volunteers | J. Halliday and M. Ogden, P. Corlett, G. Honey, M. Lee, T. de Smet, P. Fletcher, D. Menon, A.Absalom | University Departments of Anaesthesia and Psychiatry, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK |
Relation between Cardiac Output and Peak Plasma Propofol Concentration with Variable-rate Infusion on Same Dose |
Masui K, MD, Kazama T, MD , Kira M, DDS. | National Defense Medical College, Tokorozawa, Saitama, Japan |
A post-operative comparison between Desflurane and Propofol used as part of a Remifentanil based anaesthetic |
Dr C. Patel, Dr S. Nene and Dr S. Fenlon | Department of Anaesthetics, Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, East Grinstead, UK |
*Effect Site Concentration During Propofol TCI Sedation
Barakat A 1),2), Sutcliffe N 2), Schwab M 1),2) | 1) Glasgow University, UK, 2) Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Glasgow, UK |
A Comparison of Four Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic Models of Propofol TCI in an Older Population | Jörg Prinzlin¹, Alison Campbell² and Nick Sutcliffe¹ | 1. Department of Anaesthesia, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank G81 4HX, Scotland 2. University Department of Anaesthesia, Glasgow Royal Infirmary |
Comparing Four Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic Models Target Controlled Infusion of Propofol in a Younger Population |
Martin McCormick¹ , Jörg Prinzlin², and Nick Sutcliffe² | 1. University Department of Anaesthesia, Glasgow Royal Infirmary 2. Department of Anaesthesia, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank G81 4HX, Scotland |
Preliminary results of data mining in BIS guided Propofol-Remifentanil TCI Anaesthesia | O. Caelen*, E. Engelman#, D. Schmartz#, G. Bontempi*, L. Barvais# | * Machine Learning Group, Computer Science and # Erasmus Hospital Anaesthesia Departments, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium |
Simulation assessment of a closed-loop controller designed by machine learning techniques. | O. Caelen*, G. Bontempi*, F. Clément§, E. Coussaert#, L. Barvais# | *Machine Learning Group, Computer Science, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; §Mexys-SA, Mons, Belgium #Erasmus Hospital Anaesthesia Departments, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; |
Retrospective comparison of manual versus semi-automated propofol-remifentanil TCI Anaesthesia | G Bejjani #, O. Caelen*, G. Bontempi*, L. Perrin #, L. Barvais#, | * Machine Learning Group, Computer Science, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; # Erasmus Hospital Anaesthesia Departments, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium |
*The speed of induction affects the plasma-effect site equilibration rate constant (ke0) calculated with electroencephalographic derived indices.* |
Luis I. Cortínez MD*, Pablo Sepulveda MD†, Gastón Núñez MD†, Alejandro Recart MD† | †Clinica Alemana-Universidad del Desarrollo, *Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile |