
9th Meeting on Intravenous Anaesthesia 
Madrid, Spain
 Friday,Saturday 2-3 June 2006  
(before the EUROANESTHESIA meeting)



The European Society for Intravenous Anaesthesia(Eurosiva) is again going to be present before the Euroanesthesia meeting in Madrid. The format of the meeting will be: On Friday the whole day: state of the art lectures on Intravenous anaesthesia and related topics (see programme). On Saturday morning we will offer you 3 Video workshops.   



Hotel Hesperia Madrid *****


Paseo de la Castellana 57
 28046 Madrid Madrid 
Telefon: (+34) 912 108 800
Fax: (+34) 912 108 899

Call for abstracts

Abstract can be sent by Email to: 
Format:A4 (Word or RTF file) Font:Times Roman 10
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 7 May 2006 
Abstracts will be presented as posters. 
Three posters will be selected for presentation during the meeting. 
Furthermore the first author of these posters will receive a prize.   



  What makes the Eurosiva different is that there has always been a focus on practical application of IV anaesthesia. Workshops have been guided by anaesthetists that really practice IV anaesthesia on a day to day base.
On Saturday we will have a key note lecture giving the latest information on how our drugs actually work followed by 4 workshops on  clinical implications 
  1. Pharmacokinetics made easy? 
  2. Sedation for regional anaesthesia
  3. Neuromonitoring and depth of anaesthesia
  4. Practical aspects in TIVA  (will be held in Spanish language!) 

For more info go to the Saturday Program



Registration Fees

All day Friday and Saturday Morning
Friday Only €325
Saturday Morning (Video Workshops) Only €250


All day Friday and Saturday Morning
Friday Only €250
Saturday morning (Video Workshops) Only €200
For on-site registration a surcharge of 25 for handling will be added.
You can register on-line with payment by international bank transfer or safe on-line payment with credit card through

Go to on-line registration form


75% of the registration fee will be refunded if  the cancellation is received in writing no later than 7 business days before the start of the meeting. Address the request to the registration secretariat. Request received later than 7 business days before the first day of the meeting cannot be honored. Refunds will be paid within 3 weeks after the meeting. You may contact the registration secretariat for any further question regarding your registration or payment

Letters of participation

For some participants a letter is required to prove their intention to participate in this meeting. If you require such a letter then please read the instructions here.