Controversies in pharmacokinetics and dynamics 
Chairman: F Engbers (NL)

Chairman: L. Barvais (B)

The brain as a target in re-circulatory models. 
R. Upton (AUS).

Models of economic evaluation of anaesthesia. Speaker: Q. Piacevoli (I)

Different methods to estimate the keO.
J. Bruhn (D)

Practical pharmacoeconomics with TIVA. Speaker: L. Rowe (UK)

Choosing a pharmaco-dynamic model for clinical practice
N. Sutcliffe (UK)

Prize winning Posters:

*The Influence of the dose on the Time to Peak Effect of Propofol:Preliminary Results*
Farid Garoud, Pierre-Yves Leuquueux, Gilbert Bejjani, Luc Barvais
* Effect Site Concentration During Propofol TCI Sedation
A Comparison Of Sedation Score With Two Pharmacokinetic Models*
Barakat A Sutcliffe N  Schwab M 
*The speed of induction affects the plasma-effect site equilibration rate constant (ke0) calculated with electroencephalographic derived indices.*
Luis I. Cortínez MD, Pablo Sepulveda MD, Gastón Núñez MD, Alejandro Recart MD

Intravenous anaesthesia and postoperative pain
Chairman: F. Servin (FR)

Intravenous sedation in intensive care patients
Chairman: J. Raeder (B)

Molecular basis of opioid pharmacology in inflammatory pain.  
 J. Garzón (E)

Can EEG analyses be used to determine sedation levels in ICU? Speaker: X. Capdevilla (F)

Postoperative hyperalgesia: evaluation and treatment.
 B. Guignard (F)

Hypnotics for ICU sedation. Speaker: L. Berggren (S)

Managing opioid side-effects in clinical practice.
A. Borgeat (CH)

The role of remifentanil versus other opioids in ICU sedation. Speaker: A. Dahaba (A)

Key note lecture
Chairman: S.Schraag 

Current concepts on the mechanism of general anaesthetics
Speaker : J Antognini