Controversies in pharmacokinetics and dynamics Chairman: F Engbers (NL)
Pharmacoeconomics Chairman: L. Barvais (B)
The brain as a target in re-circulatory models. R. Upton (AUS).
Models of economic evaluation of anaesthesia. Speaker: Q. Piacevoli (I)
Practical pharmacoeconomics with TIVA. Speaker: L. Rowe (UK)
Prize winning Posters:
Intravenous anaesthesia and postoperative pain Chairman: F. Servin (FR)
Intravenous sedation in intensive care patients Chairman: J. Raeder (B)
Can EEG analyses be used to determine sedation levels in ICU? Speaker: X. Capdevilla (F)
Hypnotics for ICU sedation. Speaker: L. Berggren (S)
The role of remifentanil versus other opioids in ICU sedation. Speaker: A. Dahaba (A)
Key note lecture Chairman: S.Schraag